Kev had the bass amp he never heard of that he was liking. Trister and I got mid 70's Fender Twins which were not the same as the new Reissues we had the previous week. Coffee didn't have the DW he wanted but did have some new innovative hardware. Due to the thunder storm and long walk, Bill decided not to drag his Keyboard into the jam. Probably a mistake cause while the standup piano sounded pretty good with the PZM stuck in it's guts, it easily go lost during the louder jams. Too bad cause it sounded really good. It was good fun stuff. The Pink Floyd was good and spacey. Sympathy for the Devil turned out to be really hot. Trister obviously knows those licks and it shows. The Curly Hair Guys from Carroll's was very cool in dropping what he was doing to setup the PZM, he knew the rest of his night of work was going to be a little nicer. Stranger was very good but the end fell a apart. We didn't get a recoding out of the night. Coffee had a new Archos HD MP3 recorder but it had no mic preamp (my guess). His original one failed earlier in the week. Never, fret cause Bill happened to have his, oh, my G-d. What are the odds of that. Nevertheless he got hard disk error notice and thusly no recording for the week. Too bad, it would have been good.
Coffee and I met for some Chinese appetizers before the jam and they were good DD Coffee and a few H-bombs (Heinekens) that Trister bought. Thanks.
Till next Thursday, 6/10/04 at 7:00 pm in Carroll's.