William Weiss Interiors Studio


Post Phil fills the room for one set.

With much of the band getting off the soap opera called Phil and Friends and missing a week we were ready to make some new and improved music.  For the most part it was at least new and working to be improved.  I was preoccupied for much of the night as I brought in all my rack effects to help improve the PAs performance in the room.  For the most part it was new.

Actually, I think it all helped and didn't hurt at all except for the additional time it takes to get used to.  I appreciate Kevin's help in setting it up and I found time to tweak it during the jam without causing one bad feedback moment.  I was even pushed during Trister's singing of the Tom Thumb Blues and held nicely together throughout the song.  Then Larry did the Casey Jones and I was able to cut the bad gurgly midrangy mess.  I was a cleaner sound in the room.  To bad I brought it all home.  One more week and I'll decide what I can leave at Deadstein.  I did like the sound of my effects unit as opposed to what was built in the mixing board.  In addition, I brought in my Roland 1010 sound module for Rich to use and for the first time we heard him play some piano sounds.  Larry had some cool sounds of his own during the Scarlet jam.  

We had one of our only official soundchecks that I recall.  I think it was a bad idea since we played it half ass.  The Halfstep was better and the Dark Hollow was best.  That thing ended with a cooking and clean groove.  Shakedown started well the second time around and ended poorly the first time around.  Trister was commenting on the inadequacy of our groove in the jam of that song and you cannot disagree with him on it. 

The Throwing Stones, Scarlet-Fire was pretty darn good.  I appreciate Kevin's effort once again in that trio for some nice grooving.  We had a nice Scarlet jam thing going and some stuff during the Fire.  Larry didn't want the Fire but we forced it upon him and it was well worth the effort.  I was one of our better Fires.

We had another tremendous Delicozo meal consisting of a well done sausage pie, salad, bread and butter, knots, vodka pasta, rice balls (you bet), veal parm wedge to be crushed, ices and more including the new thin crusted fresh parm slices.

The entire band was there and all groupies were also present.  The only guest was a friend of Patrick's whose name I believe was Shawn.  By the way, website statistical inn formation indicated someone was doing some searches on our website for information on Spillboy.  Also, if someone wants to sell some Deadstein merchandise, someone inquired about obtaining some in our guest book.  Would someone with some initiative please respond and sell something.  How about the new CD that came out of Dick's studio, Deadstein the Early Millennium Days. 

The weather was a bit cool for the time but no precipitation so who is to complain.  The Yankee's are just as cool trying to weather a 4 game losing streak.  From the exciting part of town, the Mets beat the Reds and are enjoying a 9 game winning streak with Derek Bell setting the world on fire.  Speaking of setting the world on fire, Elian Gonzalez was abducted by Janet Reno troops to be returned to his politically incorrect Cuban father.