William Weiss Interiors Studio


A quiet, delicately played evening for a bull in a China Cat.

Larry had the big, "Lets Play Quieter" speech and for once it was effective.   We played significantly lower and it was more open.  I Think it was probably our best night from a band perspective since Andy joined us on a regular basis.  Most of us listened and played off each other.  We stayed within ourselves.  Nothing like the kind emerald triangle to focus your efforts on positive vibes.

I felt like it was one of the first nights that all my new fender stuff, amp and guitar came together and felt good without any ancillary issues to bother me.

A good over-ordering of Delicoso Italian food by Johnny but it was good.  Scott's friends Loogie and Ted didn't stay for dinner.

Not much more to say before passing out, the VH1 Fashion Awards aren't enough to get me through this.