William Weiss Interiors Studio


Supposedly back to meat and potatoes Deadstein

Kevin is back and ready to go too bad Andy and Dave weren't.   Andy had work to attend to, damn that Adam Smith, and Dave had a Met Astro game to go to.  Mets lost 5-1 in 10 innings, with Dennis Cook getting the loss and they fall behind the Brave by 1 and one-half games.  Our Andy was replace by a furniture boy Andy from 19th street who plays a mean Dale Shannon Runaway, again.  We had some pretty hot moments and due to eating at 8:15, we had plenty of time for a second set and more and even got out early.  The timing of the evening was great.

I was enjoying the sound of my guitar, straight into the Twim.   I'm watching LInda Ronstadt on Jay Leno as she is fat and looking like Rosanne or the fat chick from Heart.  This was supposedly Larry's last week of his weak effects and he's going to build his sound from the ground up.  Whatever that means but I'll be there spotting him and hoisting him toward the summit.paperfootball.jpg (4750 bytes)

Deliciozo, a beautiful day, what more can you ask for.  We even got in about 18 songs and I have a ziti and meatsauce for tomorrow.  Ices in little cups were a bummer.  Johnny had a hurt back but had some vein bursting moments during the so many roads.  Kevin and I had lots of fun trying to take eachother's eyes out with the paper football provided herein.  Once I showed him the Jon Stenerude way of soccer kicking the ting he got pretty good.  I played no drums whatsoever during the night and Scott put up a good front until the end when garvity started getting the best of him.