Carroll's 55th Street


Expectations Is a Burdensome Master

Each week we have hopes and dreams of coming to Deadstein and it turning into the phenominal experience we all hope, but reality usually hits you in the face and its a matter of how you let it slap you. This week it slapped Andy hard in the face leaving a desire to get out before it actually hurts. As such he bolted after the Black Muddy River but there was plenty of good music to go around to counterbalance several of the bad Deadsteinisms. Expectations, with Deadstein you got to leave the at the door we will disappoint.

I thought Getaway Greatest Story was really good, but the room monitoring left Andy and Kevin competing for each other's space. It was the Playing Jam and the Foolish Heart jam that sent Andy packing as they we filled with drivel with everyone playing their own thing not listen to the rest. The typically ultra-tight Beat It wasn't there in a position to shake us out of this funk so it was Black Muddy River and out for Andy.

For the rest of the night I was focusing on playing the songs of Jerry Garcia as his birthday was the following day with the Day's Between annual temperance time coming up.

Freak Out!