01 When Push Comes To Shove.mp3
02 When Push Comes To Shove.mp3
03 On the Road the Road Again.mp3
04 Let It Grow Goin Down the Road Music.mp3
09 Beat It On Down the Line.mp3
11 Gimme Some Lovin Wheel Miracle.mp3
With a week left before the start of our autumn residency at the Bitter End, we thought it would be a good idea to get Rennie back in the studio to get some of the songs we plan on playing on September 14 under our belts. We worked twice on the Push Comes to Shove at the start of the night and a few others. None of it giving us any confidence in these songs, so I am not sure how much help this all was. It did nothing for my confidence. Unfortunately, Andy wasn't in attendance this night leaving me to play the leads which doesn't help in gelling the band together. It's all good any way and we will be ready to rock on Wednesday night.
Without Andy in the mix, I brought my Jerry Tiger clone once again and I was playing through a Twin. It felt pretty good this night as far as the guitar rig. I had no issues for once. Kevin was still working his Trace Elliot Tower and Rennie was sporting his lavender/mauve PRS Start copy. Rich was on Keys and we had Lee and Scott on the drums, the duo that will be there at the Bitter End. By the end of the night we launched into some Garband after Rennie left the room. I got back to video recording, 2 cameras, the proceedings and all the recording worked out well without issue. Time to move and . . .
Freak Out!