It was a good opportunity to get warmed up during a setup and the results hopefully speak for themselves. Good playing good singing and good recording. I even had a good C-5 at the Mex-Chinese place before hand. Everything was beautiful in its own way. Maybe next time you see me we'll do that, not a s a soundcheck but as a song. It could never replace the Sing Karen sang, I mean Therese, that is still giving me goose bumps. I love that stuff. I can't wait for Yesterday Once More next week. Sho-Be-Do My Way.
I good a good recording, probably even better than the week before. I was able to mic every drum, get 3 vocal mics recorded, Trister hhas his Twin and even my Line6 piece of modelling crap sounded authetically modelled. I even go a perfectly sounding good direct feed from kevin's amp in addition to the Senn 421 placed in front of it.
It was a good recording night, a good playing night and best of yet, I was trying to set a good Carpenters example by eating before the jam, without throwing up. If Karen only did that we might still be listening to her turn Burt Backarack tunes into gold.
Till next Monday at Smash I think.