Deadstein played a pretty hot week of rock and roll this week as we played five Chuck Berry songs to commemorate his passing. It was tough to get them all in without getting a little tired of the rock and roll, but we like it. Alan couldn't make the jam this week leaving a two guitar band ready to rock and roll. To counter the great rock and roll spirit I once again played my midi-guitar, since it was in my bag from last week. I used it sparingly and it was good at times, and so so good at others.
As has been the case for the past several weeks, Deadstein has been rocking and the recordings have been great. This week we rocked but I fucked up the recording. I accidentally left a virtual Fender '55 Tweed Deluxe guitar amp on the vocal channel that recorded Kendall's voice. The result is a recording that is as if I plugged her microphone into a guitar amp. While listenable, it's not the high fidelity and amazing sounding vocal recordings we have enjoyed for the past several months. Too bad cause the music is good but it is still listenable. I apologize for the oversight, it is amazing it hasn't happened more often, but C'est La Vie, You Never Can Tell and that's why you got to go to every jam. Until we jam again.
Freak Out!