06 Estimated Prophet Eyes of the World.mp3
08 Terrapin Station Samson and Delilah.mp3
12 A Barley Corn Won't Die.mp3
15 Playing in the Band Uncle John's Band Playing in the Band.mp3
This was one of those jams for me like Phil described that when it was all over it was disheartening, but then you listen to the recording and all of that disappears. It was a big night in that we had Drew, Andy and Rich joining us with Lee, Kevin and I for a Deadstein ritual jam. We play a great first set with Andy lead position and he departs after a powerful first set and the rest of the skeletal remains make the most of the second half of the evening. That second half for me at least is just as rewarding as the first half of the night as we tend to get a little freakier and outside o . . . . . . . .
Today In Deadstein

Andy Is Back And It's Kicked Into High Gear

Nice Show and Crowd at the Bitter End Residency

Eve of the release of the new Jerry Garcia Song Book

Wednesday night jam in at Carroll's where Alan sits in for Trister and Brotpen.