Howie Glatzer on drums and Larry was right because he was really good. Right on
and very powerful, he must have bionic arms.
Spillboy allowed in without Menaker and proves his worth as he quenched our thirst
before even entering the room. Except for Spillboy, there were no other non-playing
guests. Kevin had a nice spill while the boy was upstairs doing something. If
it wasn't Kevin I would say it was spill boy's fault but since it was Kevin, and he
has a relatively high propensity to spill, I'll blame it on Kevin. In the end, I was
the real sap because like an idiot I put a bag of garbage that was in the so-called spill
on my lap.
My amp still has a terrible midrange buzz and blow speaker. It's rough out there.
I'm in the market for a used Twin, I'm tired of an unfriendly boogie. It
sounds good when it wants to but don't catch it on a bad day. Wo!
We played as loud as we do, it was pretty loud.
First Set Comments:
Johnny pulled the plug on the Sailor Saint. It wasn't any good anyway.
Eating Comments
Bens Thanks To Johnny. What A Job. The corned beef was representative of
corned beef you get at a 7-Eleven. The Bens was clutch but not good. It made
me about as sick as I get from our halftime binges.
Coffee Maker and great coffee. We are really starting to live now.