William Weiss Interiors Studio


No Kevy, Dave on bass as we celebrate the miracle of the Freak.

No guests but Johnny's friend, Buster Bunion Barry Herstik. (see his soon to be plagiarized site)

No Kevy, he had some unremembered things to do.  Brotman on the other hand had some remembered things he had to do so he couldn't make the Dew.  This left Dave to do it deep so he did it well. Me, on the other hand, picked, plucked on rolled, mostly forward, my new 5 string.  While it couldn't be heard it sounded good.   I have to figure out how to hear it.  It's fun.

No food but a pre jam nosh from Bens and and a half time Kosher bakery cookie, eclair, brownie and humentaschen and Dr. Pepper.  Scott made coffee, kept the beat and we all lived happily ever after. 

Speaking of which, the set was dedicated to one of Dave's and his brother's friends who passed away just the other day.  We played some sweet moments for the guy and To Lay Me Down unfortunately wasn't one of them.  The Morning Dew made up for it.  The Dew was sweeter than honey, sugar!