Carroll's 55th Street


The Week Before Thanksgiving and Time Stops For No One

Drew was the solo drummer this week as we had Andy for the first set. Opening with a Feel Like a Stranger is a "No Brainer" way to launch a jam into a crazy, crazy night.

Help on the Way was the epic moment of the evening with most of it being hit on target and sounding pretty good. Rich sang the Good Lovin' trying to impart an abbreviated version of that 1960's going off on the deep end of that song. The deep end wasn't all to deep.

I definitely had my own issues keeping up with blurring lyrics in songs like Broken Arrow and Highway 61 Revisited. We were out od synch for the entire Highway which was too bad because the sound and the intention was good. I had an extra mic on the snare this week which I think made Drew's drums snap a bit more than usual. Also getting into using Grok (x's AI) to generate images for the week's jam and even tailoring so specific to the songs themselves. Now I just need an AI to tell the AI what to do and to accept and/or reject whatever it does and do this posting for me. I may have to wait another week or two for that. In the mean time,

Freak Out!