03 It Takes A Lot To Laugh.mp3
With snow in the afternoon in the Northwest, I was able to get aout after it came and went, but Andy was caught by at at rush hour time and baled on the jam. Can't blame him as navigating through all the mischigos is difficult. With that in mind, somehow Deadstein try to navigate its own way to keep on the monthly residency pace at the Bitter End. After it all we are scheduled to play on February 8,2023 and we started to develop the setlist for the show. Cold Rain and Snow was on everybody's mind so it was a perfect opener and we did it well and should see as a good opener for the Bitter End coming up.
Rennie stayed though the first set including a fable attempt at St. Stephen which didn't turn out too good. By halftime, we settled in on the Close Encounters 1978 Stephen to pursue which made it an easier assault on the summit. The lazier Stephen from the mid 70's is easier to tackle for folks like us. We even weaved in an out of it quickly in the second set to show it can be done. Speaking of second set, I joined Drew for a drum solo and in true Deadstein Freak style, at the end of the night some guy named Gus came in to talk to us. Apparently he was there as a roadie for Lil' Kim, rehearsing next door and he was listening outside our door to the second set and came in at the end of the night to let un now how amazing we were and how the music brought him back to his youth when he worked as a stage manager for Jerry Garcia for about a hundred shows in the early 80's. He said we were super authentic and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. The king and yang of it all? And there you have it.
Freak Out!